Foreclosure Sales & Tax Deeds Information

Notice: Effective August 17, 2015
The Walton County Clerk of Courts and County Comptroller will no longer process the publication of Notices of Sale in foreclosure proceedings.  A review of the functions performed by the Clerk’s Office, shows there is no authority for the Clerk’s Office to coordinate, send to the newspapers, track, and or account for notices required to be published by parties in a court case.  Please be advised of the following:

Effective August 17, 2015, the Plaintiff will be responsible for furnishing a publisher/newspaper with the completed Notice of Sale in accordance with a Final Judgment or Order scheduling a foreclosure sale, per Section 702.035, Florida Statues.

Here’s How It Works

  • Determine the foreclosure sale date via the e-served copy of the Final Judgment or Order scheduling sale.
  • Prepare the Notice of Sale pursuant to sale requirements in Section 45.031(2), F.S.;
  • Check the progress docket on the Clerk’s website for documents that would prevent occurrence of the foreclosure sale, such as a Suggestion or Notice of Bankruptcy or an Order Vacating Sale;
  • Provide the completed Notice of Sale to your publisher/newspaper of choice ensuring the newspaper is published in Walton County;
  • File the original Notice of Sale with the Clerk’s Office with the $70.00 electronic sale fee;
  • Submit the original Proof of Publication to the Clerk’s office at least three business days prior to the date of the foreclosure sale.   

Online Foreclosure/Tax Deed Sales
Starting Monday, March 2, 2009, online foreclosure/tax deed sales will be held at Real Foreclose

The Walton County Clerk of Court welcomes you to the Tax Deed & Foreclosure Sales information area. The links to the current listing of sales is located at the bottom of each section.


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