DR 485WI Petition Withdrawal Request R. 01/17
*DR 486 Petition to VAB - Request for Hearing R. 11/23
DR 486A Written Authorization for Representation Eff. 01/17
DR 486DP Tax Deferral or Penalties R. 01/17
DR 486MU Attachment to multiple Parcels and Accounts R. 06/22
DR 486POA Power of Attorney Representation R. 12/20
*DR 486PORT Transfer Homestead Assessment Difference R. 04/18
DR 486XCO Cross-County Notice of Appeal & Petition transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference R.12/09
*Please note Forms DR 486 & DR 486PORT require Florida Statute 194.041 to be adhered to.
Additional Forms can be found at the Department of Revenue's website.